MasterData Management with Profisee

Profisee Experience

Below we describe Profisee based on the experience we have from working with the tool for several years. The project started with the OnPrem solution that was migrated to SAAS after 2 years of development and configuration.


Below is our experinece from working with Profisee for several years. Profisee is the MDM platform where we have most in-dpeth knowledge on how it works since we have been heavily involved in the hands on configuration of the platform. Hence, no comparision is done with other MDM tools. Since this is a large and coprehensive platform below comments are just briefly scrathing on the surface, for a more in-depth comment please contact us. Nevertheless, in an RFP scenario below information can be guidelines for asking the right questions to vendors of different MDM tools.

Governance Support

Profisee alone does not have any built in support for Governance. However, combining Profisee with PurgeView works very well and is the prefferred way of providing support for Data Governance together with Profisee.


The architecture of Profisee is closely connected to the relational database that it is built on. The archietcture as well as the license model of Profisee implicitly forces a de-normalized entity model to be designed, which is a bit frustrating and has some implications on the overall performance.

Web interface

The FastApps provided in Profisee enables a simple and fast way to create a userinterface for data stewards. The FastApp is built by buildingblocks that can be combined in a predefined way. This makes it very easy to create FastApps, however, it also limits userinterface to what can be build with these buidlingblocks.